Choose the right fitness club in Brussels

Near home, near work... but nowhere else!
The golden rule number 1! Find somewhere close to work if you fancy going there in the morning or during lunch. If you believe sports are a weekend only activity, try to join a place close to home...
Most importantly avoid long journeys to the fitness club since this will reduce the time you spend working out and will probably end up ruining the satisfaction factor of your hard work. To mention only a few, Aspria and World Class, in the European area, are waiting for you! The HealthCity group is the most prominent with several clubs in Brussels.
Machinery and Classes
What kind of workout are you looking for? Behind this simple question lies another important factor! Your choice of gym will depend on whether you are looking for collective classes, machinery halls or swimming pools. Don't forget that well-being therapy has become closely linked to fitness... This concept has been mastered by Aspria Royal La Rasante in Woluwé, member of the Aspria group.
Check the prices!
Some establishments will ask you to pay entrance or will have a fee for new members on top of the monthly subscription (ranging from € 30 to over €100 depending on the gym). Find out what exactly is included in the monthly subscription. Inclusive towel hire is one to look out for; it avoids tedious washes when you get home.
Check for special offers just like you would for any purchase. Be aware that some places have some hefty fines for breaking your contract. Be prepared to sign a one year contract minimum since this is standard.
Visit and try it!
Last but not least, before signing any contract ask for a tour and a trial. Do this during the hours you would normally go to the gym so that you can really get a sense of the atmosphere, whether it is clean, who goes there...
Now that you know what you are looking for, why not check out our fitness listings to make up your mind.

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