Buying a new car
Written by BrusselsLife Team -
23 Aug 2005, 00:00
(Updated: 13 Dec 2012, 07:59)
The choice is endless, for all of the world's main brands and even rarer models are represented throughout Belgium. For the record, we should mention that the last one hundred percent Belgian car is the Vertigo, a sort of hand-made mini dragster that can burn out all other cars at the traffic lights!
"This being said, most of the big names have a production unit in Belgium: namely Volkswagen in Forest, Ford in Genk, Volvo en Ghent and so on. Whether produced in Belgium or elsewhere, new car prices in Belgium are within a good average. Depending on the make, there are sometimes only minor price variations.A VAT rate of 21% is added to all new car purchases. This is directly invoiced by the vendor. The insurance broker then countersigns the registration request and sends it to the DIV (Direction de l'Immatriculation des Véhicules - car registration board) who will give you a number plate and the registration documents in record time: sometimes under an hour! In Belgium, the number plate remains with the car's owner, not the vehicle. For an extra 620 euros, you can ask for a ""personalised"" number plate, as long as the letters and numbers you ask are still available. The number 007 is, of course, the most sought-after - some drivers are just ""big kids""!"
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