Brussels ranked 13th city in the world in terms of reputation according to City RepTrak

Written by Frédéric Solvel - 03 Dec 2014, 00:00 (Updated: 04 Dec 2014, 10:38)
Brussels ranked 13th city in the world in terms of reputation according to City RepTrak
Akkanto, the exclusive partner of the Reputation Institute in Belgium, published the reputation scores of the two Belgian cities measured in the City RepTrak 2014. This study measures and evaluated the reputation of over 100 cities around the globe. Brussels went up this year to the 13th place with a score of 72,64, which is a progress of 15 ranks compared to last year's ranking.

The City RepTrak ® study measures the reputation of a city by basing itself on 4 indicators: trust, estime, admiration and general impression. Thirteen attributes are evaluated in parallel for every city, such as the economic environment, culture, the quality of its infrastructures, physical beauty or the efficiency of its administration. 

The study was made with over 19 thousands people accross the member countries of the G8 (USA, Japan, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Canada & Russia).

Brussels on its way to the Top 10 ?

For the second year in a row, Brussels is strengthening its position in the eyes of the inhabitants of the G8 countries. The score of our Belgian capital has gone up 1,88 poitns (15 ranks) compared to last year and 5,78 points between 2012 and 2013. With its 13th position in the City RepTrak 2014, Brussels is ahead of prestigious cities, such as Amsterdam (14), Paris (15), Rome (23), New-York (25), Madrid (32) and Milan (35).

While Vienna occupies the first place, Munich and Sydney respectively hold second and third place. Florence and Venice are fourth and fifth. Right ahead of Brussels are Helsinki and Copenhagen.

How to explain such a progress? "The people of the G8 countries believe Brussels is foremost a beautiful city and particularly appreciate its environment favorable to businesses", according to Walter Gelens, Partner Reputation Management at akkanto. "This study also confirms once more the impact of the presence of the international organisations on the image of Brussels abroad. Such a good reputation is a great asset: there is a close connection between positive perception and for instance the attraction of a city for investors or its ability to generate income related to tourism".

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