Brussels around the world

Brussels, Ontario
Let’s start our trip in Canada and the province of Ontario. This Canadian version of Brussels offers a very charming village that dates back to the end of the 19th century. How do I get there I hear you ask? Well it's simple. When leaving Toronto, head on towards Waterloo and take the Road 86 until you reach the Brussels Line … Easy isn’t it ? Follow us to discover Brussels, Ontario.
Wisconsin & Illinois
Now let’s head to Canada’s southern neighbour. The United States has not one but two other Brussels! The first one is located in Wisconsin. Founded by Walloons in 1858, the city certainly maintains a Belgian flavor to this day. Follow us on the Belgian tracks in Wisconsin to find out how!
Brussels, Illinois is the second American Brussels. Located between the Mississippi River and Illinois River, the town was founded by Germans in 1822 but was given the name of Brussels in tribute to its first priest, a native of our capital.
Back to Canada
A short trip back into Canada and you will find our last, and consequently the smallest Brussels : Bruxelles, Manitoba. Founded in 1892 by French-speaking Belgian settlers, this tiny village in is only composed of a handful of streets and where the local school still teaches French to its pupils. Take a look at Louise, a short animation made by Anita Lebeau about the everyday day life of her Belgian-Canadian grandmother that emigrated to the village.

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