WAF WAF Brussels, a city suitable for dogs

Belgium, like the rest of Europe, is a country of animal lovers. All cities in Belgium are animal friendly, and Brussels certainly is as well.
Belgium, like the rest of Europe, is a country of animal lovers. All cities in Belgium are animal friendly, and Brussels certainly is as well. There are many restaurants and cafes with huge terraces all over the city. When you have the option of just sitting on the patio, this is of course the most obvious option. However, many restaurants in Brussels even allow you to bring a well-behaved dog inside. It is of course best to ask for it before entering.
No-leash areas
Which places are suitable for dogs in Brussels? Of course, we first think of the parks. Are dogs allowed in the parks in Brussels? In Brussels, there are many parks, or parts of parks, where dogs are allowed, such as Elisabeth Park, Laeken Park, Sonian Forest and Woluwe Park. In Brussels, as everywhere in Belgium, you are obliged to keep your dog on a leash.
However, there are certain areas where a leash is not required, called off-leash areas in Brussels. Off-leash areas are defined areas in green spaces such as parks or forests where a dog is allowed to walk off-leash. Of course, this does not mean that your dog can do whatever he wants, you are still responsible for your dog and must keep him under control at all times.
There are many free zones of this type in the municipality of Jette. On the east side of the "Bois de Dieleghem", two large recognized meadows have been created where dogs are welcome without a leash. They can also visit another 300 meter long area in the Youth Park and Liebrecht Park also invites dogs to have fun. Read our article "Where to walk your dog in Brussels?" to find out more about walking your dog in Brussels.
Dog toilet
Brussels is working hard on the construction of dog toilets and spaces where dogs can "defecate". Dogs are no longer allowed to leave their excrement on the public road in Brussels, but they can relieve themselves in the places provided for this purpose: the dog toilets. Dog owners are required to always hang at least one visible bag from the leash in order to collect faeces if defecation occurs on public roads.
Animal pharmacies
One in ten Brussels residents owns a dog, which is why the city favors him. In Brussels you also have several pharmacies and animal pharmacies where you can buy medicine for your animal day and night if necessary. In addition, you can also easily buy veterinary drugs online in Belgium. Vaccination of dogs and cats is not compulsory in Belgium, unless you are going on vacation or if you are moving abroad. Dogs staying overnight in a dog hotel should be vaccinated.

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