Beauty secrets hidden in the kitchen

Sodium bicarbonate for a dazzling smile
Everybody wishes to have sparkling white teeth and a perfect smile. Toothpaste is rarely enough and it is tempting to turn to other whitening products. Unfortunately, these products have a price and the ingredients used can be dangerous. Sodium bicarbonate is a cheap alternative if you are looking to gain a whiter shade. This substance acts by removing tartar and as a cleaning agent. Use it as a mouthwash or by mixing it with water on your toothbrush.
Olive oil for moisturized skin
Olive oil has excellent nutritional properties and can also be useful to those with extremely dry skin. Apply it as a moisturizing cream after showering, on humid skin.
Lemon treatment for acne
If you are one of those people who has sensitive skin that scars easily, don't hesitate to use lemon juice to diminish blemishes caused by acne. Caution ! Lemon is photosensitive. By going out in broad daylight with lemon on your skin, the opposite effect will be noticed. Avoid use in the morning and by apply lemon juice before going to bed. In addition, if you have used and abused cheap nail polish, it is very possible that your nails have been damaged and started yellowing. To acquire healthy manicured nails, rub a slice of lemon regularly on your nails and watch them turn white!
Camomille for light hair
For those who wish to lighten their hair color there is the camomille hair mask. On top of helping you sleep, camomille can lighten your hair color. Instil the product in water and use it to rince your hair. After regular use, you will find blond and light brown reflections.
Clay eliminates impurities and sebum excess. It can be used as a mask for greasy hair. To choose your clay you must bear in mind your type of skin. Green clay is used for normal to greasy skin, and pink and white is used for sensitive skin.
Apple cider vinegar for dandruff and skin
For those with dandruff, apple cider vinegar may be your solution ! Not only does it eliminate dandruff, it will also soften your hair. But that's not all ! Apple cider vinegar has many more qualities. By using it on rough areas such as elbows or knees, you will have significantly softer skin. Containing astringent properties, it also prevents the emergence of blackheads. Be sure to buy a quality vinegar and by preferably organic.
The white for the skin, the yellow for the hair !
The egg white mask is the best remedy for those who suffer from greasy skin. Leave it on for 10 minutes and your pores will become invisible. For hair, the best is to use egg yolk in a mask in order for them to become softer, stronger and more resistant.
Dry skin and greasy skin will take much delight from its benefits. Not only is it sweet and delicious, it is also a natural antiseptic. Problematic skin can use it as a purifying mask. Honey is also a natural moisturizer therefore capable of protecting the driest of skins.
Tea for fresh and wide awake eyes !
Although this trick is ancestral it has been tested and approved ! If your eyes are still suffering from last night's festivities, dip the packets of tea in ice cold water and place them on your eyes. You will see immediate results. Other even more surprising products have excellent benefits for your body. Garlic and onion are some examples. But out of respect for your senses, we will skip them this time. Away to the kitchen, beauty awaits you! Marlène Izere (St)

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