And girls between girls ?

Bars & Coffee Houses
Written by BrusselsLife Team - 12 Sep 2005, 00:00 (Updated: 06 Jan 2014, 09:46)
And girls between girls ?
Well, this was a big mystery, because the bars and the evenings typically for girls between girls disappeared little by little. This happened in the '80's to the evenings Dee-Light of Chris and Esther at Fuse, in the '90's in the Gate bar, close to Monnaie square, or to 'The Sunday girls' at Soixante bar...still the horizon is more and more clear and there have been launched reborn projects for less than 6 months. A project that seems to be on the taste of the public: L&L and its young ladies.

Gentlemen, please don't even try, you will remain in front of the door and to insist won't arrange anything...only ladies are welcome. If you take a walk in this district is better to go to Soixante or at Dali's, or the most gay to Belgica and Chez Maman. Also, is good to know that there you won't find an excessive show or decadence...women who dance, who talk, who know eachother or meet there. Don't imagine something too crazy, it's only about people and music. To go back to the L&L show, the most recent performance took place on September 10, take a look at their internet site for more information...there's at least one/month and it's always at Windows, 50 Philippe de Champagne street(a little street perpendicular to Midi street). A very nice hall, sober and white with a long relax bar. At mix: Lydia, Sand and Lady Maro.

And this is not everything! There is also the concept 'Mega Top Girls' installed at Vogue. These evenings 100% feminine launched close to the Stock Exchange (la Bourse) 5 years ago moved first to Sablon last year and from September you'll find it in this big stylish café close to Loi street, facing Royale street. One of the performances will take place on September 16; you can count on bisexually and fortnightly meetings. The DJs are Sylvie, Sandrine and we saw also Mandrak as a guest in front of a big crowd. Nicolas Deckmyn

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