All about parking in Brussels

There are different solutions for parking in Brussels. Parking in the city center or street parking, here are the different solutions available to you, whether you are visiting the capital or where you live.
Parking in the street in Brussels
If you live in one of the 19 communes of Brussels, you can ask for a waterfront card to your municipality, which will allow you to park your vehicle in the area of your home without having to affix disc or to feed the parking meters. In most municipalities, the card for the first vehicle of the home costs € 10.00 per year, the price of the second card varies between € 50.00 and € 100 / year and the third card can be worth up to 200 €.
If you are not bordering the town, you have not applied for a riparian card or you do not live in the municipality in which you want to park, parking rates are divided into five main areas:
The Blue Zone: hardly subjected to car pressure, it can be parked there for free by affixing a blue parking disk.
The Green Zone: It wants to promote the parking of residents (with a riparian map). Parking is not limited, and the rates are: 0.50 € for half an hour, 1.00 € for one hour, 3.00 € for two hours, 4.50 € for three hours, 6, 00 € for four hours, then 1.50 € per additional hour.
The Gray Zone: It is paid with a maximum of 4:30 parking. The rates are 0.50 € for half an hour, 1.00 € for one hour, 3.00 € for two hours, 5.00 € for three hours, 8.00 € for four hours, 9.50 € for four thirty.
The Orange Zone: It concerns dense but small or local secondary shopping centers. It is paid with a maximum of 2 hours of parking. The rates are 0.50 € for half an hour, 1.00 € for one hour, 2.00 € for 1h30, 3,00 € for two hours.
The Red Zone: The red zone concerns commercial districts where the demand for short-term parking is very important throughout the day. It is paid with a maximum of 2 hours of parking. The rates are € 0.50 for half an hour, € 2.00 for one hour, € 3.50 for an hour and half, € 5.00 for two hours.
Parking in paid public car parks
As a last resort, you may think about going to park in one of the 58 public car parks in the Brussels-Capital Region. If so, we present you with a brand new application launched by the Region: P.Brussels. Available on the App Store and Google Play, this application will redirect you to one of the 24,000 public parking spaces in Brussels.
Always useful during a small shopping trip in the city center on a Saturday afternoon and when you do not want to visit all the car parks in the city to find a place. Interparking is one of the main managers of Brussels car parks, it is also possible to find any kind of practical information on their site.
Parking Sharing
Instead of looking for a parking space for hours, you can now book, with a financial participation, that of another user who has made available to you during his absence. This is the principle of, a community sharing parking spaces between individuals.
Conversely, if you do not use your parking space during certain hours of the day, you can also make it available on the same site. A clever system to save time and money.