A day in the life of a fashionista

The fashion morning
07h : The fashionista wakes up fresh, well-groomed and always dressed to impress! But this won't stop her from spending countless hours in the bathroom applying creams, masks, tonics, lotions.... a real job with no time to rest, isn't it ?
9am :She will then, dressed with her most prized jewels, register for photography classes at the Cambre. After all, it is more than looks that counts. Above all, she is an artist, and besides, somebody needs to take the pictures for her blog !
10am : After this exhausting chore, it is time to shop ! To the very trendy neighbourhood of Dansaert. She will start off her errands with a lingerie visit at Carine Gilson, the queen of underwear adulated by celebrities. She will stroll through all of the district's boutiques to the joy of all the storekeepers. Because the fashionista doesn't only have the looks, style, hair, and makeup ... she is rich too.(Ah, another unfathomable mystery of the universe).
The fashion afternoon
13h : It is time for a refreshment pit stop. But not just any kind. The fashionista will meet up with her blogging girlfriends at the terrace of Chez Rachel, to consume half of a bagel and to scrutinize passers-by.
2.30pm : Time to relax before continuing the shopping marathon ! On the schedule : manicure, pedicure, and the latest« Elle » magazine in hand, she is fully ready to be pampered by the beauty institute Louise 300.
3.30pm : Here she goes again ! This lady is back on avenue Louise stopping at every retailer on this grand boulevard. Her very favourite Urban Outfitters, the latest fashion destination straight from England.
Fashion evening
5pm:Back home for some online shopping at Asos to unearth some unobtainable items in Belgium.The fashionista lives at the cutting edge and won't hesitate to have the latest hit items from Paris, London, New-York shipped to her...
8pm : After trying on her latest purchases, the fashion victim rejoins her favourite district in the city center for dinner. Sushi and soft atmosphere at Kabuki is her Japanese HQ.
10pm: The time has finally come to parade through the high-society parties of the capital, accompanied by a glass of champagne. The point being to show up at the right place at the right time, she will first go enjoy a few delicious cocktails at the Belga Queen and finish off the night at the deconsecrated church of Spirito Brussels. Gloria Rojas Galvez

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