800 years of the Paroisse Notre Dame de la Chapelle

Written by BrusselsLife Team - 25 Feb 2010, 00:00 (Updated: 13 Dec 2012, 07:59)
800 years of the Paroisse Notre Dame de la Chapelle
In 2010, it's the anniversary of the 800 years of the Paroisse de la Chapelle, that is the construction of the Marolles as territory. To celebrate these eight centuries of history, exhibitions, concerts and festivities are organized from April to December.

An anniversary to celebrate, a history to revisit

The eight centuries of the history of the Paroisse are both witness and actor of the urbanization of districts which adjoin the first city's forticifcation. To revisit this history, it is not only to be interested in the religious history, but also to engross into social and political stakes and economic, artistic and cultural development. The celebration of 800 years of the Paroisse wants to contribute to feed the current identity of the history. It is on this ambitious project that the asbl Les Amis de la Chapelle works for 2 years.

The program

Exhibitions :: exhibition of the Treasury of the Church; "De la "Suprême Charité" à l'action sociale. 800 ans de lutte contre l'exclusion dans les Marolles », to Porte de Hal; Bruegel's route; photo exhibition,... Concerts :: les Vêpres de la Vierge Marie de Monteverdi ; Orgue d'Août Festival, ... Conferences :: Conference of Roel Jacobs, a study afternoon about the Church and the city of the Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis... Festivities and urban routes associating inhabitants and schools Publications Brusselslife selected for you exhibitions, concerts and festivities which are not to miss :: Inaugural conference by Roel Jacobs at Eglise Notre Dame de la Chapelle, Friday 30th April at 6:00 pm. This conference will have for object the history of the Paroisse and the district. Exhibitionof the Treasury of the Eglise Notre Dame de la Chapelle from Saturday 1th May to Friday 15th October. The Treasury wasn't the object of an exhibition for more than 20 years. The anniversary will be the opportunity to make it discover to the public. Inaugural Concert Vespro della Beata Vergine (1610)Wednesday 5th May at l'Eglise (8:00 pm). The complete program is to consult on www.800anschapelle.be

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